Cutting-edge production technology combined with careful manual assembly guarantee the very best quality. We have all processes under control, so we can offer you optimum flexibility at all times.

Products are put together in our assembly department and are qualified and documented according to your specifications. Our dedicated assembly stations have been built with processes in mind, meaning that we can master even the most complex procedures. Process reliability to the highest degree, a competitive pricing structure and constantly controlled and documented improvements to the assembly system bring further benefits to our customers.

Small series, depending on their complexity and the number of components, are assembled by qualified technical personnel, either at an individual assembly station or at a universal workstation. Series production is carried out at streamlined  assembly stations or using highly efficient assembly systems based on the “one-piece flow” method. The assembly infrastructure is set up in accordance with the specific requirements of each customer and their products.

With our software, which was developed in house, even complex changes can be rapidly mastered and documented.